Not much happened this past week. School was school. I have a couple of children who are trying my patience and eroding my soul a little bit, but it’s nothing I can’t handle. Lloyd seems to be doing fine, too.
Lloyd’s school had their gala on Friday, so on Wednesday I tried to leave school a little ‘early’ and get to our local thrift store for something nice to wear, but they close at 4:30. I did manage to get there before close on Friday and picked up a purse. I know – a purse! My outfit didn’t have a way to carry my phone, and the actual bidding for the silent auction is done via phones instead of pen and paper. I did bid on a couple of things (didn’t win) and Lloyd bid on some items and won. It was a nice evening with people I like, so that was a plus.
Saturday was fire, a bit of cleaning (the Peperkorns are coming next weekend) and some errands in Lincoln. The weather got up to the 50s and was sunny and delightful! People were walking around in shorts and tank tops. Later, we went over to the Pesters for a Pantry Party (everyone brought stuff they had in their cupboards/refrigerators) and some basketball watching.
This morning I set up for late service, so I got up early for a fire… the snow. Yep. We have about an inch of snow on the ground.
I’m off to do a self-inflicted haircut before church. Wish me luck!
Brad Royuk says
A Pantry Party? I don’t think I’ve heard of that before. Curious. What would I bring to such a thing? Maybe some dry oatmeal? I don’t have much in my pantry.