It was a pretty good day, and I’m proud of my kids. I’ve been doing this holiday with preschoolers for decades, so it’s pretty plug-and-play. They decorate a bag in the days ahead, they sign (not address) their valentines, I tell the parents to NOT bring a class snack (but doo-dads or candy with their valentines is fine). The day of, we make easy, one-page crowns, string beads on a ribbon to make a necklace, and take turns passing out valentines.
My triumph this year was the snack. I had thought about making cookies, but I didn’t have any regular flour in the house. Ugh. One more obstacle. I went to Wal-Mart to find a pre-made plain cookie that I could put frosting on….. and saw the graham crackers.
Perfect! I put the frosting in the bag, snipped a corner and drew a heart and their initial on it. They thought is was The Best Snack Ever.
Now, if only I can remember that for next year…..

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