Oh, how I love IKEA. Please visit their website to see all the wonderfully designed, inexpensive, fabulous things that I love so much! Unfortunately, there isn’t one anywhere in the Midwest. Most of my friends live close to one, the jerks. Kathryn & Todd have one in Chicago, Brad has one in Baltimore, and Charles and Deborah will have one soon in Salt Lake City.  *sigh*Â
Brad brought me my birthday/Christmas package this trip – NOTHING in this pile cost more that a couple of bucks. (He said that he looked through the super-clearance, in honor of my cheapness.)
Brad says
Hmm… I think I’ll go to IKEA today after school and browse a bit. Heh heh.
Lauren says
WHY must you torment me so?!?!?!? Oh well, next time you go – take some pictures so I can photoshop myself into the store.
Mom (formerly Lauren) says
IKEA must be an awsome place if it has a clearance table. Only place to browse.
Lloyd's Mom says
Ok my comment came out with Lauren’s name but it come up on my computer that way. Mom’s are allowed to make a few mistakes.