Aside from forgetting that February 14th was Samith’s birthday, we also forgot it was Cricket’s. (She’s 13 now.) When she was a baby and we took her to the vet, he estimated her age and said, “She’s a Valentine cat.” When we got Pfennig a year later and took her in, he said, “She was probably born on April 1st.” I thought, “Wow! What are the odds that both our cats have holiday birthdays?!” About two weeks later I thought, “Wait a minute.” EVERY month has a holiday, Lauren. You idiot.
Anyway, a few days ago I saw a video of Nora, the Piano Playing Cat on You Tube. It reminded me that when we first got our piano, Cricket would play it like she was Mozart! (Actually, she would attack the keyboard like a mouse was trapped under it.) But not anymore. Now she just sits on my lap the few times I play. (I think she likes how the notes feel.)
Lauren's mom says
What a sweet kitty! Nice piano, too! Can’t see the girl playing it.
Michele (Brad's friend) says
I only know what Lauren looks like based on her cartoon sketch back around Christmas time. I THINK I’ve seen her at chapel when Brad had photos from their trip to New York? Brad, please confirm. Brad, wake up. It’s midnight and we are off tomorrow. Tell me you are still awake!
Brad says
MIDNIGHT?!? I was falling asleep at 9:30. I went to bed a 10.
Michele (Brad's friend) says
Our cat, Maggie, is a Thanksgving baby from what we know. (i.e. what the vet tells us) VERY interesting. Do you think there is a course for vets on how to predict birthdays of cats?
On a side note – do all Lutherans know how to play the piano?
Brad says
Ned was born on February 21. But I got him from a breeder. Since I paid money for him, I’d BETTER know his real birthday. He’ll be seven. I have his parents’ names somewhere, too. I’ll see if I can find them today.
Lauren says
Hello??? International Mother Language Day??? February 21st??
Beth says
Bobbie, our cat, was born on the “Ides of March”. Also a holiday baby. I love it.
Happy 13th Cricket! Just think next year is your golden birthday, perhaps you’ll get a golden collar…except you don’t wear a collar, so perhaps you’ll get gold hoop earrings…that would be cool.
Lauren says
To answer your questions:
I’m trying to see how long I can go without posting an actual picture of myself – more mysterious that way.
All Lutherans are born knowing how to play ‘A Mighty Fortress’, but many lose the instinct by age two – unless they’ve had intense training on their Fisher Price Lil’ People Pipe Organ.
Peggy says
I hate to break this to you … but isn’t that you in Ikea a few posts back or is that your body double?
Beth says
You’re sharp. I don’t think those muscle relaxers are getting to your brain after all!
Michele (Brad's friend) says
Speaking of IKEA, guess where Brad went today?
Thanks for the heads-up Peggy! Now I’ll have to search for that IKEA post.
Peggy – will you still be up to the movies Monday? Will you behave yourself if you’re all drugged up?
Peggy says
Yea … I’ll still be up for it … I’m doing much better … but I’m gonna keep taking the drugs … just in case …
Lauren says
That’s not me – that’s Lloyd when his hair was REALLY long.
Peggy says
Playing the piano is cool … but my smart dog (born in July) can sneeze on command … seriously! (My not so smart dog -born in Jan.- can chew on his foot for hours.)
Michele (Brad's friend) says
I once had two poodles that I trained to jump into the tub whenever they had to puke. It was much more convenient to simply wash it away than to scrub carpet for hours! Beat that one!
Lauren says
How on earth did you get them to do that??? What kind of animal pukes so much that it is able to be trained to do it in a certain spot? I’m proud of you, yet a little sorry for you, as well.
Michele (Brad's friend) says
Well, dogs give you a little heads-up that they are about to puke by that unpleasant heaving sound/motion they make. I would grab them and run as fast as I could to the tub whenever it appeared as if they were about to hurl. Then I would stroke their little heads until they were done. After a while, they just automatically took it upon themselves to jump into the tub everytime they felt sick. 🙂
One of my most vivid memories is when my oldest son was just an infant – an infant with reflux. Flash to 1991 at around 2:00 in the morning. I’m in the hallway leaning against the wall, holding my son with his vomit puddled in my nursing bra, watching my dog puking in the bathtub while my husband is snoring, sleeping soundly in the adjacent bedroom. I remember crying, “This sucks!” 🙂
Good times!
Michele (Brad's friend) says
That second smiley face was supposed to be a sad one! Bummer!