Lloyd’s family gets together every year around the Fourth of July at a Lutheran camp in Missouri. We’re leaving Friday morning and I was going to write down a list of things to take on a piece of paper, but I’ll just list it here. Make sure we get it all in the car, ok?
- clothes
- swimsuits
- floaty things
- towels
- sheets, blankets, pillows
- sunscreen
- bugspray
- folding chairs
- beer cooler
- some stuff to eat
- cameras, phones & chargers
- ukuleles
- shower present (Lloyd’s cousin Steve’s young bride is pregnant.)
- Brad
I think that’s it. See y’all Sunday! (Or maybe there will be some time-delayed posts???)
Hurray! You packed a Brad. I don’t have any. That wasn’t true 6 months ago when a #$%^&$% (Is it ok to use language like that? If not, I’ll go old school Bart Stites style- 5 4 6 5 7 1 11) Surplus Property guy made me buy a whole pallet of office supplies to get a white board. 6th grades is so stupid; thought I was handing out the wealth of all the nations. hee hee A REAL (LIVE) BRAD! Awesome
Well, don’t get your hopes up. Brad could die during transit. You know how fragile they are.
Hey, what building are we staying in again??
The bunk houses? Lake up huge exhausting stairs bunk house. Bring polish to wax the Brad, lake water can (I can’t spell currode)
I think you’re forgetting the water balloons.