Deanne once asked if our kitchen was always clean, and the answer is ‘no’. Our house is always in a state of quasi-messy, and I guess it’s a good thing that we take lots of photos for this site in the kitchen – it shames me into cleaning the counters. Speaking of cleaning, I’ve been thinking that it would make a lot more sense for me to keep my sugar by the coffee maker, since that’s when I use it the most. Having it mounted on a shelf or something would make it easier to clean the countertop….. and then it hit me. Brad gave me a bunch of cool stuff from IKEA a while back, and there were some magnetic canisters I couldn’t find a use for. A drill, a little modification, and here we go!
UPDATE: For use, take it off the fridge:
Deanne says
Fabulous! I love finding new ways to organize stuff! And Ikea has such cool stuff for organizing stuff. (sorry for all of the technical terminology)
I need to take more pictures in my house, and maybe that will shame me into wiping things off more regularly. (…probably not! tee hee!)
Ann says
Please, show more. Genius!
Brad says
You should fill one of the other ones with arsenic and have Lloyd shuffle them every night. It would be a good wake-up exercise in the morning as you decided which one was sugar. The adrenaline rush alone would be as good as a cup of coffee!
Lauren says
Awww… thanks.
Karla says
What are you going to do come ant season to keep them out?
Lauren says
I can just mix ant poison in the sugar, right? I should be fine. I’ve spent the last five years building an immunity to iocaine powder.
Brad says
Lloyd says
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
AQuek says
Thought it was a mirror at first, then I wondered how a mirror would help there. Then I see the bigger picture. So those are sugar. I still don’t know how it works, even with a little hole on the top. If you turn it downwards, wouldn’t sugar spill everywhere and mess up the whole counter?
Lauren says
I have to take it off the fridge and pour it (hole down), like a regular sugar dispenser, then put it back on the fridge (hole up).