Ok, I’m only posting about stuff at school because that’s where all the projects are. Here is a view of the boys’ bathroom at school.
The ‘new’ thing is the plant hanging on the wall. Every time I take a little guy to the bathroom, I look at that metal bar at the top and think, “Man, that’s ugly. I should do something about it.” I’ve thought about hot-gluing slices of branches, or wrapping it in hemp rope (nautical style), or maybe using a Bedazzler! Then the boy finishes up, we walk back to the room, and the thought leaves my head completely. Anyway, this is the solution. Eventually that metal bar will be completely covered in leaves, and then I will forget to water it and it will die.
The sticks (diamond willow, by the way) have been hanging there since the beginning of the school year to make it more ‘natural’ feeling. The border on the wall has bears and deer, which the boys love. I’ve thought about hanging some interesting animal pictures on the walls in the stalls, but they really don’t need anything else to distract them from their aim. (Just being awake seems to be distraction enough.)
Brad says
I went to a restaurant once that had ice in the urinals. It was really interesting and made me want to melt the ice. Maybe that would help the boys aim better. Do you have an ice machine at school?
Lauren says
Why not just pee in an ice machine? Much bigger target.
Peggy says
Ice in the urinals? I often wondered what happened when Mr. Freeze went to the bathroom. Now I know … but ouch!
Kristi says
Have you been to the Soji Tabuchi(??) show in Branson? More importantly, have you been in those bathrooms? There’s a huge ice sculpture, or so I’ve heard, for you gentleman-types to melt. There’s also a huge pool table in there. I did see that.
Lauren says
I have GOT to see that bathroom.
Rae says
I doubt you expected to your discussion to focus on little boys’ aim, but here’s a thought. If you really want to make this a natural bathroom, why don’t you encase the stools with tree stumps and they can just pretend they are aiming at a tree. I have never known a boy to miss anything he was aiming at in nature. 🙂
Oh, and if you are ever on a trip and have a little boy, say about 3 1/2, who really needs to go, and you let him aim at the brake disc,mechanismy thing in the middle of your tire, that you have just applied lots of pressure to, in order to stop your forward motion of 76 miles/hour, it will make a surprising hissing noise while steaming. Oh what great fun for a boy and his dad!
Karla says
I’m not the least bit surprised Sam would enjoy that! And I just might question if the boy was his if he didn’t too! 😉 Hehehe
Kristi says
Ha! I just read the title to your post. On a “roll.” What an appropriate title for this particular room.