Crazy Heat Lady is back in business! I’ve hung a ‘temporary’ curtain in the stairway, closed all the vents upstairs and any unnecessary rooms down here, and I’m pleased to report that at 8:09 p.m. the downstairs is a chilly 68.7 and the upstairs is an even chillier 65.2!! Yessir, Lloyd, it’s going to be a miserable winter! One of these days I’ll post about my souped-up bed that finally has the foot warmer and some serious insulation! (Don’t worry, Brad. We’ll turn on the heat when you visit. Just a little.)
Who are we kidding about this thing being temporary? I put some nails up on the other side and this thing will never get replaced.
So do you move to the main level in the winter? If so where do you store all of the ties so Lloyd has access to them?
65 Degrees? Sheesh! Do you guys grow winter coats of hair? I’ll be bringing my space heater for Christmas. Can you get those through airport security?
I’ve thought about moving to the first floor, but that would mean we’d have to keep our bedroom clean in case company came over. We really don’t use the upstairs except for sleeping and getting ready in the morning. The bathroom has a space heater on a timer, so it’s warm when we wake up.
Alright! 65 degrees is the best… but you can keep your foot warmers … feet sticking out of the covers is the only way to go …year round!
Two thoughts: 1)You think 68 is chilly? I was home with Gracen yesterday and it never reached 64 in the house. 2)Have you ever thought of mounting your sheet on a shade spring roller so that it could always be there, but you could just pull it down when you wanted to? Could you order a shade that would fit the door? Just random questions…
I see your conservation will come in handy when you quit!
Not a great day, eh?