Ha! That was supposed to be ‘delay’, but I’m leaving it. The dealy for not having a good post is that when we got back from ukulele night last night, I had my arms full of stuff from the car, and what do you think the only thing I dropped in the snow was? Yep, the camera. I decided to let it dry out overnight, and there’s no time now or we’ll be late for church. Maybe later today.
Then I’m taking over
Lauren doesn’t like it when I post political stuff here, but, what with her being so busy and all, I don’t think she’ll notice for a while. I’ve always sort of thought that the newspapers in the U.S. did a pretty good job of just reporting the news. Sure there might be a little bias one way or the other, but you could pretty much count on what you read being true (don’t tune out yet, I think you’ll find this interesting).
Some of you probably know that I’m hopeful that Ron Paul will be the next Republican party nomination for President. I’m hopeful, and I’m doing my part working toward that goal, but I don’t really expect it to happen. On the other hand, Dr. Paul just came in second in Nevada ahead of McCain, Huckabee, Thompson and Giuliani. He is ahead of Giuliani and just two behind Thompson in the delegate count. Over 90,000 people have voted for him so far in the primaries. And he has probably raised more money, and definitely from more donors in the forth quarter than any Republican candidate. But the New York Times doesn’t list him as a candidate.
Not even on the page. Please don’t tell Brad, this will only make him mad.
Beth says
Dnag those dealys.
Peggy says
Yay for snowy nights!!! Nay for snowy cameras!! 🙁
Peggy says
PS I bought a pizza stone yesterday, yay!!! Can’t wait to make some bread on it!
Lauren says
Hey! What happened to my post? Dnag pirates…
Peggy says
Thanks for doing your part Lloyd, what more could anyone ask?
Deborah says
Not to spoil your rant, but I found him listed as a candidate on the site in your above paragraph. He does sound wonderful. An OB/GYN. If he can do that, he can do anything!
Lloyd says
Really? Is there a special Utah edition of the NYTimes? Seriously, when I go to the site there are 8 candidates listed across the top. Do you see more?
Deborah says
You’re right. I think my screen is messed up a bit. He’s not on the nice line up, but if you click on “Candidates” he’s there
Brad says
You can find him, but you have to poke around. That really is weird that he has consistently outscored Giuliani in every single state so far and he isn’t put on that chart. What’s up with that?
Dnag it! Why did you tell me this, Lloyd? Now I’m mad.
I wonder what Brent would think about this. Take some Crown Royal over to his house and find out, will ya?
Karla says
So how’s the camera? (Sorry, my priorities are a slightly different.)
Lauren says
Tomorrow’s post will tell all!!