It’s been a while since I looked up the number of comments. I can’t remember how long, and I can’t find it by searching for “comments”. So rather than spend more time on it, I just gave up.
Lauren | 613 |
Peggy | 553 |
Brad | 501 |
Beth | 392 |
Lloyd | 390 |
karla | 240 |
Annette | 202 |
Deanne | 158 |
Michele | 136 |
Kristi | 114 |
Deborah | 74 |
Christina | 60 |
Lauren’s dad | 47 |
Mark | 44 |
Cousin Sam | 41 |
Lloyd’s Mom | 33 |
Jill | 31 |
Lauren’s mom | 30 |
Rae, formerly known as Rachel | 22 |
Stephannie | 14 |
Julie Baker | 10 |
Aunt Lolly | 9 |
Curt | 7 |
Aunt Marcy | 6 |
Kim (Brad’s School Neighbor) | 6 |
Charles | 4 |
Hartland (Clubb) | 3 |
Vincent Sommerer | 3 |
Aaron (Lloyd’s Brother) | 2 |
Anonymous | 2 |
Aunt Ruth | 2 |
Bobbie | 2 |
Brad’s former friend, Lauren | 2 |
cricket | 2 |
Erin Thomas | 2 |
Jeff Hertzberg | 2 |
John | 2 |
Karla Buesing-used-to-be | 2 |
Laura Numeroff | 2 |
marta | 2 |
Rachel Pozehl | 2 |
Richard Bartle | 2 |
Simon | 2 |
Tara | 2 |
Todd Peperkorn | 2 |
7th Street Squirrel | 1 |
Aaron Clubb | 1 |
anti-Lauren | 1 |
Ashley | 1 |
Bat | 1 |
Beth Marshall | 1 |
Browserspiel | 1 |
Annette (Cleanie) | 1 |
Cutting Garden | 1 |
Cuz Pete | 1 |
David | 1 |
Elf | 1 |
er, not Brad | 1 |
GOD | 1 |
Heidi | 1 |
Jabba the Hutt | 1 |
karen m(who is this?) | 1 |
Karla’s lurking mother | 1 |
Kristina | 1 |
Leonardo | 1 |
Leroy Brown | 1 |
Mary Ragoss | 1 |
Mikea | 1 |
Mr.&Mrs. Brady | 1 |
Mr. Royuk | 1 |
Mrs. Sie Ming | 1 |
NE Dept of Ed | 1 |
Ned | 1 |
Pastor Hofman | 1 |
Paul | 1 |
Pfennig and Cricket | 1 |
Pfennig | 1 |
Poem judges | 1 |
Polar Bear Here | 1 |
Rachel S | 1 |
Really Annette | 1 |
Rev. Todd Peperkorn | 1 |
Ron (step-dad) | 1 |
Rosalynn Carter | 1 |
Sam Noel | 1 |
Santa | 1 |
Slanket Company | 1 |
Sommerer Sailor | 1 |
Steamy kitchen | 1 |
The Slanket Company | 1 |
Total | 3824 |
Well, what do you know. I was just noticing the huge number of comments on Brad’s Birthday Post and the huge number of comments on my Footnote Post. That made me wonder what other posts had a lot of comments, and the one that has the most comments is this post which happens to be the post I couldn’t find. The post with the last number of comments per person list. Thanks Peggy for kranking up the comment count so that I could find it seven months later.
I wandered back through the links and noticed your Who’s Who description of me… I do have cold fingers right now. Does that count?
How will I ever surpass Peggy and Lauren? I think I might have to think of some way that they won’t be able to post.
…for a long, long time. Muah-ha-ha-ha-haaa!
This is a test …
I see what you’re doing there.
Whew! Not blocked! I’m pretty sure you must have gotten Brad & my comments transposed … I don’t talk that much, I’m really rather shy. 😉
Hmmpt … the winky face worked this time!
I have come across a much more humane method to pass Beth to move into the number 4 spot. I cleverly hid a virus in all of the emails that her father sends to her. Just yesterday my plan came to fruition. She called and said that her computer would not turn on. I suggested that she leave it turned off, and not worry about it. I would stop by “later” to help fix it.
But I will not be passed.
Ever. Not by Lloyd anyway.
Ever, ever.
That should cover me for today.
(Oh, and by the way, Lloyd’s my Supertechno Hero. For real.)
Thanks Peggy
Oops. I was supposed to type “You’re welcome” here.
BTW: What are you thanking me for?
I was calling Beth Peggy. (I don’t know a better way to punctuate that)
What, no comment from Lauren? I’m worried she’s dead. I really can’t cover for her.
I cleaned three bathrooms today
I went to two basketball games…whoa! when I tried to post, someone called me a cowboy~
Saw Beth at Godfathers
Am I moving up, yet?
And we agree that we are in love with Lloyd
Not dead. Just mostly unconscious all day.
Comment 615 – in case anyone’s counting.
You are the comment post goddess
You’re welcome.