I have become increasingly surprised at the quality of lunches we’ve had at my school. I’m not going to get all judgmental and negative, but there have been a few disappointing ones in a row. Every so often I wonder why I’m not taking my own lunch. A while ago I found out about bento lunches, which are just the cutest things ever for people with acres of time on their hands. People make up these delicious little boxes of good things to eat, like a tiny little potluck in a box. (They originate in Japan, so many contain sushi and things I can’t pronounce.) I successfully did not buy a Mr. Bento for months and months, which would hold tons of food. (It was insulated!! How could I resist?)
In Omaha on Saturday, I did cave and buy this little guy.
It’s called a tiffin box, and it was ten bucks. It’s a British/Indian thing to hold food. Stephannie has one in her kitchen, and I’ve envied it for years. This one is much smaller, but it’ll hold a lunch. I figure I can fit some cut-up apple and a little sandwich in there, and I’m good to go. Yes, I know it’s probably a foolish purchase – but it’s so gadgety, and much cheaper than Mr. Bento!
(Mr. Bento has the advantage of being microwavable. Mr. Tiffin will blow my microwave up.)
If I actually get my act together and pack a lunch tomorrow, I’ll try to post a picture.
UPDATE: I actually did it and I’m not going to be horribly late for work! (Chicken sandwich, apple, sugar snap peas, cheese curds.)
Kitt says
Oh, cute! There are a lot of bento-obsessed people out there. Check out the Flickr groups for them sometime if you want inspiration. I follow one blog, lunchinabox.net, that has me totally jealous of the pre-schooler who gets those fabulous lunches. If only someone would pack one for me!
Brad says
I amost didn’t get the title, but then I did, because I was Too Legit to Quit thinking about it.
That is the PERFECT lunchbox! You could put two kinds of cereal in there and pack a bottle of milk separately. Bring a spoon, and you’re set! AWESOME!
Lauren says
Hmmmmm…. this has mucho possibilities…
My, my, my cereal is – so crisp!
Makes me think: Life and Quisp!
Lloyd says
I had to have the title explained to me. But I did the hand motions once I got it.
Beth says
I have tupperware that rivals those bento boxes…And, I LOVE tupperware…(LOVE is probably an understatement…I’m maniacal, I admit it).
Lauren says
Ehhhhxcellent! Can you have a lunch ready for me by 7:15? 🙂
Kristi says
You’re so cool. “Back in the day,” I had a boring, square, metal, zoo-themed lunchbox, but my brothers got to have Dukes of Hazzard and PacMan on theirs.
suz says
We used to have a biger version of this with more layers (4 I think) and my mum would pack tons of food it in and we would go for picnics.
Deanne says
Another place you can check for something cheap and microwaveable is latin groceries. I just discovered the great lunch thingies available at ours like a month ago, when I bought a soup, etc. thermos for Susana. You see, we don’t worry about bacteria growth and just send it hot.
Annette says
Your flask will compliment it greatly.