Citibank Driver’s Edge Options
Here’s my option: Don’t steal my number.
Some yahoo stole our credit card number! They charged about $600 worth of stuff from and We’ve gone through all the appropriate channels and fixed everything, but if you see a music-loving thief hanging around a Wal-Mart, punch him in the nose for me.
It pays to check your statement online.
Brad says
Any idea how the guy got your number? I buy stuff online all the time and every once in a while wonder if this will be the time my number is stolen. But I realize that it’s to a company’s advantage not to have thier customers’ numbers stolen, so I imagine security is a high priority…
Lauren says
No idea, though I’m thinking that putting in on a bumper sticker might have been a bad idea….
Peggy says
I think Citibank should get a better acct. # system … I mean really, 50 … 60 … 70 … even the dumbest criminal would have luck figuring that one out.
Deanne says
WE HATE HIM!! What a hassle…
Karla says
I hope he bought some decent music, at least… If I see him, I’ll kick him in the shin on your behalf.
Lauren's mom says
“They say a man should always dress for the job he wants,
So why am I dressed up like a pirate in this restaurant?
It’s all because some hacker stole my identity.
Now I’m stuck here in this restaurant serving chowder and iced tea!”…..etc.. etc.
Lauren says
Ha! I love that commercial! I filled out my first police report a couple of hours ago. I feel so grown-up. (And ripped-off.)
Curt says
FYI….that is one of my company’s commercials, Experian.
B.E.C. says
Ooooh hey Lauren — Sorry to hear about your identity-thievery. For a second I read your post as: Yahoo stole my credit card, and I was like “Woah. That website is a naaasty bully.”
But then I realized I was an idiot.
Anyhow, thanks for commenting on my blog — my readership is now probably at all of 6 people; with that said, I have heard mention of your baking goodness all up in the baking-blog community, and so your infamity (word? not a word?) precedes you in a way that made me feel hella excited to get your comment/read your blog! I look forward to posts in which bad things have not happened to you! or me! Yaaaay.
Mark says
I hate the feeling you carry around with you when some IDIOT wrapped in a MORON does something like this. I hope they find him, and that justice is done.
(The kind of justice that happens outside the courtroom in some dark alley.)
Kitt says
How very irritating.
I thought of you today when I was checking my statement and saw a charge for $47 from Scrubs Express. Huh? I Googled it and found it was a medical scrubs supply place. Luckily, it also showed where it was on a map.
Oh yeah! The carwash and gas station! I bought gas there. So much for directory assistance.