The eastbound light at 6th & Seward was red instead of green this morning, so I turned south. Walking across the street brought me that much closer to the one thing that could negate my healthy walking. I was unable to resist looking back at it. Tomorrow I might not be so strong….
You should wear a shock collar and put the boundary device near the bakery. If you get too close… zap!
That is a great idea. We could probably find all sorts of uses for one of those. I wonder if you can get multiple boundary markers?
I feel your pain Lauren. But, mostly I’m sorry you’re walking by there when it’s still dark out, because that means it dnag early!
The benefits of walking would equal out the badness of the donut. I say stop and have a donut! 🙂
special proficiency nearly territory
This sort of thing is the next level of spamming blogs. They send a harmless message to establish the account and at some later time will send a message to buy sexy drugs.
They have drugs to make you sexy?
I think men call it Viagra.
You’re still walking Lauren? I salute you!! Awesome!!
And your resistance to that evil place is astounding!!
Who are you??
Follow the light, Lauren. Follow the light.
A quick stop at the bakery isn’t going to kill you. Just stick with the whole wheat! In fact, your bakery budget can be your savings on gas from walking. You can share with your friends at work and with your husband instead of eating it all up yourself. Then you turn your greatest temptation into a friend.
Way to go walker-girl!
She’s nuts! How could anyone allow their wife, friend, relative, loan shark walk down a street like this? Looks like Tombstone before the Earps. Arm yourself Lauren-by the way armed you can take the donuts.
Maybe you can stop at the bakery on your way home to reward yourself for not stopping in the morning.
Except the Bakery closes at 2pm. 🙁
Actually I think you’d be fine stopping for a donut on the way to work & then again on your way back home again … seems to me I remember those donuts don’t stay with you very long.
Once, Buddha and I were going to go to the bakery for breakfast after our morning class in the science building. We had the best of intentions, but we drove by The Well first and the car stopped there instead. Whiskey sours don’t taste anything like glazed donuts, but they’re just as tasty. 😉
Clever…..feeding everyone donuts to induce diarrhea, send everyone home!