Dnag it, Christina and Paul, you already got us those awesome tickets to see the comedian, and then you also have to go and send a box of wonderfulness. (We still have Christmas presents we haven’t sent yet.) I laughed almost as hard as Karla’s stamps when I saw the book “Tai Chi in a Chair”. Hilarious!!! (I’m actually reading it!)
There were many other wonderful things, but I was very excited to see a vinyl quote! I’ve admired these on many a window shopping trip, but didn’t buy them (due to cheapness). Now – I had one right here! “If music be the food of Love, play on.” A beautiful quote, but the right spot for it would have been by the piano where all the music stuff is, and that space is currently taken.
I went with the next logical spot.
I have since cleaned up the fridge and straightened up the counter, but I can’t take a picture of it. Why? That’s a post for another day……
Curt says
Heh, I am the first commenter.
am I first
first am I
I first am
I am first
am first I
first I am!
Brad says
Brad says
Lauren says
My head is spinning. 🙂
Lloyd says
“I’m her mom.”
“No, she’s not.”
Was priceless.
Michele says
My face hurts from laughing and my mascara is running!
Too funny Brad!
Peggy says
Hey, are you related to that kid?
Kristi says
Did you notice what’s missing in that book? Brad’s hairless critter. Now what kind of comment would she have for that?
kiwe says
Karla/Arron says
Cool fridge! Challenge – What other Shakespeare quotes would work well with home appliances?
Kristi says
Out, damned spot! – washer
Curt says
“Alas, poor Yorick, I knew him well” – Freezer
Lloyd says
*Hannibal Lecter only.
Lloyd says
“Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and caldron bubble” -The stove when I’m cooking. I like this game.
Kristi says
Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. Trashcan? or Food disposal?
kiwe says
“A dish fit for the gods”-Act II, Scene I Julius Caesar
On the dishwasher
Mark says
Wow. The word “Shakespeare” looks VERY level. How did you do that?
Lauren says
Ha! Just so y’all know, Mark was there for the first official use of Lloyd’s iPhone app – the bubble level!
Karla says
Arron wants to know if Lloyd has the BSG app – a Cyclon detector?
Lauren says
Dang it – you people have to stop! I’m going to be painting words all over the house at this rate.
Just joshin’ – keep ’em comin’!
– Laur’n
Kristi says
“Method in the madness” – cookbook shelf
“Off with his head!” – knife drawer
“Sweets to the sweet” – cookie container
Karla says
“…a blinking idiot” – VCR
“Chaos is come again” – Kitchen pantry (unless you are Lauren)
“…too much of a good thing” – Ice cream maker
“What a piece of work is a man” – Bathroom mirror
“… we have seen better days” – The entire house
Lauren says
christina says
Merry Christmas – the cupcake holders are to make individual apple pies in. They don’t require a muffin pan, so you can make as many or as few as you like!
I hope Lloyd liked his presents as well!
Lloyd says
lauren told me that they were obviously all for her, but some of them looked really neat. She even let me play with the tripod light. I liked that a lot.