Pity that it doesn’t work.
*sigh* This faucet thing is going to take nigh unto forever. We got stuck when the stupid nut that held the old sink down wouldn’t budge, but yesterday evening we finally got it loose, then I had to go to a meeting. Before I left, we put a paper towel soaked with vinegar over all the holes in the sink to dissolve the decades of hard-water build-up and grime that marked where the old faucet lived and died.
Today, the sink is sparkly, and the faucet is attached to the sink, but that’s it. The old water supply lines aren’t long enough, so that means at least two trips to the hardware store. (One to buy wrong, once to perhaps buy right.)
Lloyd thinks that we could just aim the supply lines at the intake lines, turn ’em on – and hope for the best.
Brad says
Maybe you should just leave it unconnected. Then it would keep looking good, but would never be leaky or get dirty.
Peggy says
That does look beautiful! And that’s all that really matters, right?
Lauren's mom says
I like the new faucet. What’s in the window?
Lauren says
Those weeny tomato plants I told you about. The ones that are outside are not much bigger. (But that’s for another post….) 🙂
Deanne says
maaaaaahvelous. So when’s the trip to the hardware store??
Lauren says
I’ve had two so far. I’m not hooking the second set up until after my nap. 🙂
CousinSam says
At least you got rid of the terrorist that had been under your sink in all the other photos.