I’ve done a couple other posts on number of comments, but it’s been over a year since the last one. Lets see where things stand now. This is not a complete total; just the posts since the last summation (which happened on February 9th, 2008)…
Lauren | 938 |
Peggy | 663 |
Brad | 623 |
Beth | 591 |
Lloyd | 581 |
Deanne | 481 |
Karla | 397 |
Annette | 221 |
Curt | 193 |
Deborah | 182 |
Kristi | 180 |
kiwe | 132 |
Lauren’s dad | 96 |
Mark | 89 |
Kitt | 81 |
Michele | 77 |
Christina | 74 |
Cousin Sam | 74 |
Rae | 74 |
Lauren’s mom | 63 |
Jill | 57 |
Brady G. | 38 |
Lloyd’s Mom | 30 |
Gretchen | 26 |
Karla/Arron | 25 |
Stephannie | 21 |
Arron/Karla | 19 |
Kathi D | 18 |
ratty | 18 |
Heidi | 17 |
Beth Marshall | 13 |
Dana | 13 |
Amy | 12 |
Lisa Espinosa | 12 |
Mom | 12 |
Meredith | 11 |
Vera | 10 |
Ribs | 9 |
Sambo | 9 |
Jessica | 8 |
Todd Peperkorn | 8 |
Keren | 6 |
Keren Lowell | 6 |
Marisa | 6 |
Charles | 5 |
Aaron | 4 |
Heidi Thomas | 4 |
Kim | 4 |
Uyek | 4 |
Arron | 3 |
Aunt Lolly | 3 |
Barbara Trujillo Brown | 3 |
beth (sam’s 2nd wife) | 3 |
Brent | 3 |
Gravity Gardener | 3 |
Rachel | 3 |
Rev. Todd Peperkorn | 3 |
Sarah | 3 |
us cellular guy | 3 |
Anita Pointer | 2 |
Barbara & Sarah | 2 |
beth (rachel’s wife) | 2 |
ChiaLynn | 2 |
Cricket | 2 |
Jennifer | 2 |
Karen | 2 |
Kathryn Peperkorn | 2 |
Katxena | 2 |
Lauren (Not Brad) | 2 |
Magickwyrds | 2 |
Mary | 2 |
Mary Gerlach | 2 |
Mokihana | 2 |
Patrick | 2 |
RGBuesing | 2 |
Rolando | 2 |
Sharly | 2 |
Smeagol | 2 |
Stephanie | 2 |
Suz | 2 |
The Crafty Cactus Lov | 2 |
The Exterminator Beth | 2 |
zch24- from Manila, P | 2 |
For a grand total of 6435 comments (if you add to these comments the comments by people who only made one comment). Here’s a bonus chart for those of you who don’t like numbers:
Yes!!! First comment! Woohoo!!
Yes!! I went from being ranked “non-existent” to 23rd to 9th. I am really going to have to work hard to stay in the top 10.
Oh, Other (potentially) interesting stats: comments per tag and/or catagory; who gets more comments per post, Lauren or Lloyd (Maybe that’s a no brainer); number of hits using the tag cloud (I love that thing)
I forgot one, what is Albert Pujols’ lifetime batting avg against the Kansas City Royals? No googling allowed.
Dude. Who cares?
Cubs sucks. We know you know it.
Disclaimer: I have not become a Cardinals fan. I still disslike the Cardinals. I just want to see the Cubs win a World Series so they will stop complaining.
Plus I am humoring the host.
No googling? Are you kidding me??
Give us a hint. Is it higher or lower than the Royals team average?
That’s not very funny, Lloyd. It actually hurts. Here is a hint, it is the highest avg against all teams where he has over 100 at bats.
Wrong Karla. And I know you googled it because you got the wrong answer.
That was his avg against the royals as of June 21st. I know because I googled it and that is what came up. Cheater.
Meh. I said it before and I’ll say it again, dude – who cares? Don’t you have anything better to do with your time? 😉
What?!? You can use the cloud tag? Let me try that.
I never thought of those stats. I should just put up a link to the data and see what real statistics people can find.
What? I’m not in the top 10? After all the wasted time I’ve spent here?
I’m going to have to do something about that.
Truthfully, wasted time here is always a good time for me. Keep the fun coming.
Hey! I submitted 3 comments, and only 1 showed up. What’s going on? Am I being edited?
P.S. If my comments did show up, please remove this very embarrassing and unnecessary email. Thank you.
I think they are just precious. (This is how you start talking while watching Paula Deen talk about cooking.)
Precious? Now you’re starting to sound like Smeagol. Creepy.
I just have to say – I’m our biggest fan, and that’s really embarrassing.
Haha! Well, at least this comment won’t count towards your total.
The internet is up here now, so I changed Lauren back to herself, and now your comment makes less sense, so I thought I would write this as a sort of explanation. Then I got side tracked and wrote that I find I like Paula Deen more than I would have thought.
Dang it, Peggy is ahead of me. I’ll have to try harder.
I don’t know how I’ll ever make up a difference of forty comments, though.
Isn’t it strange how the “u” drops from “four” when you write “forty”? I wonder why that is.
I think the people at Walmart are behind that dropping of the “u”! Lauren should investigate that!
When I give my 6th graders their first math spelling quiz – forty gets them everytime!
seriously, a spelling test in math. give the kids a break!
I think you’re catching up.
Woo Hoo, 2nd!! Should this be added to my resume?
Woo-hoo!!! The internet is back up at our condo!! Let the comment tally grow LARGER!!!!!!
I may make an update post in a bit, so get your comments out of your system now, people.
It’s 9:27, and I’m on the EDGE OF MY SEAT! I came back to check, because I was on the phone with Leo and he was trying to square away who was who, since Christina is coming. It was a funny conversation:
Leo: So Christina is married to the “barbudo”? (like bearded one or beard-y, but with the added connotation that it’s LOTS of beard – referring to Lloyd, of course.)
D: No but he’s Christina’s brother.
… it didn’t get any easier after that. 🙂
Lloyd needs a t-shirt that says that.
When I was learning to type in school, this was the sentence to practice with:
Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.
It uses almost every letter & was formulated to help the typist type with an easy flow. Try it. Be amazed at how your hands fly across the keyboard.
What about ‘The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog?’ That uses all the letters, right?
That’s the sentence we always had to type. There was always a race to see who could type it the fastest and most accurately. Ready… Set…. Go….
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
Oh, did somebody time me?
I have not been able to sleep lately. I have a serious case of insomnia. Honestly. Suggestions?
Family reunions can be exhausting. Try one of those.
Lauren…aren’t you at a reunion? How come no posts about the happenings at it? Just curious?
We were at the Sommerer family reunion, and there was barely cell phone coverage at the camp we were at on the Lake of the Ozarks. So we’ve been saving up photos and stories.
We arrived in Branson yesterday for Lauren’s family reunion, but the internet connection was down at the resort. It’s fixed now, so the posts will be more current eventish starting tomorrow.
Wow, talk about Family Time – and Christina was off to her husband’s family. And then here!!!
Brad–how’s your back?
Um. I apprently need to catch up after a day of being away from a computer. So. I’ll be doing that now.
Hey! Where are my comments?
Oh. There they are.
Seriously? You couldn’t find anything up there to comment about?
I thought about trying to come up with something clever to say for the sake of keeping my numbers up, but then I thought again and figured, who’s kidding who. We’re all just trying to keep our numbers up.