Friday evening a co-worker from the CDC (it’s Kate, but y’all wouldn’t know her since she never comments) told me that there was a swarm of bees/wasps on the playground. They were in a place easily walled off to keep the kids safe, but knowing how winged insects like to take off with small children, I decided that they needed to go.
Enter Lloyd.
Lloyd, who is brave about all things fly-y, took a can of wasp killer and just sprayed those wasps until they were dead, dead, dead – and all their babies, too. The directions on the can said to ‘spray a few seconds, or until the area is moistened’, but he used the whole can (spray * spray * spray), which might have been overkill. (Time out for pun-induced laughter.)
(Are you done laughing yet? We’re on a schedule here.)
No humans were harmed in the making of this post. Some wasps really got it, though.
Brad says
That was a freaky-scary nest of yellow jackets. I got serious jibblies from getting even a little close to them. I am amazed at your guys’ jibblie-suppression abilities.
Lauren says
That’s because you’ve been stung before. I’ve never been stung, so I’m oblivious. Lloyd’s just crazy.
Deanne says
I get some pretty serious jibblies with anything that stings – bees, wasps, scorpions… EEEK!
Peggy (who fears parentheses) says
Brad, your new picture scares the bejeebies out of me. It makes me want to run for my life!
beth (rachel's wife) says
I’m scared too.
Amy says
I have been stung before… but I’m the oldest so I have to be brave. My little sister is a chicken… even now.
Peggy says
Lloyd, you are truly a brave warrior! You could advertise in your local paper…just think of the money you could make cleaning up your town!
Lloyd says
And I could only work in the evening when the “insects are least active.” The picture of the yellow-jackets was taken right after church, when they have just been stirred up by a rousing baptist minister.
Lauren says
Evening is when you are least active, too.
Beth says
Everytime I come check back here for additional comments, in my peripheral vision that first picture looks like Lloyd has giant orange boots on.
It has made me double-take every time.
Lauren's dad says
I get the jibblies just thinking about the price that is put on the cans of the wasp and hornet spray!
Lloyd says
It was an old can that had been in our basement for years. I wasn’t sure if this was one of those things that lost effectiveness with age or got dangerously more effective, so I used up what was left in the can.
Curt says
Swarm!! Swarm!!
Curt says
Try that again.
Lauren says
I was hoping someone would post that.
Karla says
It all goes back to Seinfeld… 😀