Who’s there?
Stupid cat.
Stupid cat who?
Stupid cat who can’t open the new cat door.
Seriously, those senile cats are driving me nuts.
Here I slaved over making that travesty of a cat door look less like a beer-induced bad idea, but they couldn’t figure out how to use it. Cricket kept trying to open it with her paw (instead of her head), but then her toes got pinched. Pfennig got all panicked because she had to use the litter box, but the door was ‘closed’. My physically pushing their heads through just freaked them out, so yes – I had to demonstrate with my own head.
I think I’ve sunk to a new low.
did they get it after you showed them???
Pfennig actually got it after a while, so I am less irritated with her. Cricket still fears it.
My cats also refused to use the cat door I put in the door to their litter box closet. So I took the flappy part off, and now they use it fine. Having the frame makes it look neater and more intentional, and the flap isn’t really necessary (except for airflow, which — if they won’t use it doesn’t really matter).
It’s all about having the right tools, isn’t it?
Did you try shaking the food jar? That really worked for me when Cricket went missing for 48 hours. (not really)
There are tears streaming down my face right now because I have found this to be the most hilarious post. Thank you!
HA!! That 1st picture CRACKED ME UP!!
The things we do for our furry relatives! But hey, I think I speak for everyone when I say we’d really like to see a picture or better yet, a video of your demonstration!
I agree! A video of your demonstration would be most helpful!
Now who says cats are smarter than dogs? A dog would have no problem learning to use a dog door.
(Pssst Curt…are you a dog person? I am, I have 2 dogs, no cats, but that’s very unpopular on these sites… so shhhh!)
Yes, I am a dog person. Even though I don’t have a dog. Yeah, I know most of these people are cat lovers, but I don’t care. They know my feelings able dogs vs cats.
Cats are smarter than dogs. Cricket and Pfennig happen to be exceptions to the rule.
That, or they believe that stooping to the low of using a cat-door is beneath them.
Either way. Cats are smarter. And they don’t sniff your butt.
Let’s be honest – Pfennig is not smarter than a dog. Than any dog.
As always, I will let you think what you want to think on this issue. 🙂 I know better to not get you started.
Best. Picture. Ever.
For some reason I see the picture of Cricket and all I can think is “Batman tried to shave that morning, but the mirror was too fogged over.”
This. Is. AWESOME!!!!
Thanks for a good laugh tonight! 🙂
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I haven’t stopped laughing yet! I showed it to Phil and out came the narration (in Homer voice if you please) “uh….Mom? whats this plastic thing in my way? How come you haven’t MOVED it yet? There’s FOOD in there!”