The name of this game is: What’s The Most Out of Place Thing In This Wreck of a Room?
Go ahead & guess – you can’t hurt my feelings.
Reader Interactions
rachel in L.A.says
i’d guess the legless chair but knowing your endless creativity, it might be the focal point of the room so…..I’ll guess the christmas tree in the corner.
i’d guess the legless chair but knowing your endless creativity, it might be the focal point of the room so…..I’ll guess the christmas tree in the corner.
A wooden floor?
Could it be the book? I don’t see how anyone could read in a room with such nice lighting, inviting chairs, oxygen-giving plants, and a TV.
I say the curtains. Because I’m pretty sure there are supposed to be comforters hanging on all the windows in your house.
There’s a door in the corner that doesn’t lead anywhere.
Or does it?
The TV is not on!
I can’t believe no one has mentioned that tartan like thing on top of the trunk.
You mean the lovely tablecloth? Nothing out of place about that.
I think it’s just fine!
It coordinates nicely with the reds in the furniture upholstery.
Is it the file box?