I’m not exactly sure where I saw these first, but we just started our second semester at Lincoln Lutheran, and the assignment for all of my independent study video editing students was to watch all 12 of these.
Your assignment is not quite so long. Watch this one, then watch the rest of them if you have the time/inclination…
Very funny. Now I have to watch them all. What grade do I get if I finish by breakfast?
The only dare like that I remember from grade school is a dare to touch a mushroom growing on a stump. It was gross. Oh, and I remember someone reaching into a toilet to get my quarter out of it. He was a true friend.
Hey, here’s those boys all grown up. I love how some things never change. My kids introduced me to this show & it’s pretty funny….although sometimes a little racy.
I hope you are using us as an example of good editing 🙂 We appreciate the interest! Would love to hear what your students think of Recess Stories. Definitely a non-hollywood model, for sure. If you ever have any questions re: the process (or whatever), let us know.
I think they are just fabulous. The stories are sweet, the editing is tight, the camera work is well done.
But they are also very approachable. Kids who don’t have much experience will see that they are well done, but also that they could make something equally interesting with some work.
Really like the word “approachable”. So much of our media, and perhaps especially kids entertainment, has become so slick and processed that its hard to see how it is made. We strive to present an alternative– something a little more authentic and “hand-crafted”. Thanks for getting it!