This weekend finds me with a few tasks that need to be accomplished, which is ‘good’ in the sense that I will be a productive member of society, but bad in that I will be missing out on a lot of recorded television. Oh, and the naps. Who am I kidding? The naps will get done. First things first and all that.
Lloyd and I are helping with a meeting at church this morning, but before that I need to swing by school and pick up the art that needs to be hung in the cafeteria after the meeting. I will goof up at least one of those things. Then it’s evening church to attend a past preschooler’s baptism. (Yay!) Then tomorrow it’s an Open House at work, and Deborah – it’s also your birthday, in case you forgot. Oh, and laundry and a video project.
What y’all doing with your weekend?
Digital photo albums… groupon expires on the 12th!
Grading this morning, then some necessary shopping. Helping someone move tomorrow.
Don’t forget the time change tonight.
Time change – hmm. That will make everyone seem closer to me. I’m not sure when we change our clocks around here but it’s not this weekend.
Cleaning. Watching boys’ state basketball on TV. Picking out my organ music for church.
Oh, yes, and changing all the clocks in my house.
Clean my bedroom….I have A LOT of stuff to get rid of. Of course I’ve said I’ve been going to do this for the last month.
Thirty One(bags) party tomorrow.
Gathering and storing winter coats (so optimistic!), prepping for the school week, cooking for company that’s coming tomorrow, catching up on ironing, blogging, ordering an Easter gift for my niece, and supervising a boy who’s painting his bedroom door today.
Happy birthday, Deb!
Already installed two timers for roof and gutter heat tapes and cleaned out the bird bath. After I finish this comment, I now get to vacuum and clean bathrooms, then do some pruning. I should really go fishing since I’m allowed now to lift over 10 pounds! Ha!
Ha, indeed! 😀
How’s your mom Lauren?
Good! Thanks for asking, Peggy – I realize I never updated you on her situation. She went back for the results and (Mom, help me out with details) she does not have enough of (X number) for them to diagnose multiple myeloma, so she will continue as she is and doesn’t have to take the $9,000 a month medication that she would have had otherwise. God is good!
We went to the Grand Island area to see the Sandhill Cranes. Impressive!