So, that water gun I bought that is so amazing? Well, it turns out that it is nearly as useless as the squirting dinosaurs as far as the kittens are concerned. They just take it, soaking up squirts and squirts, then lazily climbing down to lick it off, saying, “Thanks for the drink, lady.”
Lloyd’s comment is, “Great, we’re raising cats who aren’t afraid of water.”
By the way – I am aware that the second kitten in that drawing looks like a monkey. Or a squirrel.
Drawing is hard.
Brad says
Your cats aren’t afraid of water? You should get them used to swimming in the bathtub. Think of all the cute cat videos you could make. You’d be even more famous on the internet!
Mary Ellen says
squirrel + monkey = squirkey ?
Kristi says
Time for a bigger water-gun.
Lloyd says
“We’re gonna need a bigger boat.”
Mary Ellen says
By the way, how did the MOPS presentation go? I was in MOPS for a few years at my church, they were a tough crowd. It was like, “I took a shower, put make-up on and got my kids ready all while throwing up from morning sickness so this meeting better be magical or I’m going across the street to Starbucks for some solitude.
Lauren says
Ha! That is hilarious! They were a very nice group. It went fine – I didn’t swear once!
Peggy says
Your drawing is awesome! I laughed out loud. Those silly cats not afraid of water!
I guess you’ll have to find something else. I don’t know cats, but I can tell you that my dog is afraid of bags & watermelons.
And he runs out of the kitchen everytime I open my freezer….but that’s because he’s smart…he knows heavy frozen things can fall out of there when opened.
Lauren says
Time for some carefully-timed frozen hamburger drops.