There are two seniors at Lincoln Lutheran who don’t have a class 4th period and they typically hang out with me in the Mac Lab. They are both into war games and I showed them a website where they could buy games for cheap(er). This procured for me an invitation to my first game of Axis & Allies 1940 global:
That was the first 8 hours. We started at 8:00, ordered pizza for lunch (thanks Pizza Hut any pizza for $10 deal) and played until about 4:00. I thought for sure we would finish it up the second day. We started at 3:30 and called it quits at 8:00. There was no dinner and I don’t think any of us noticed. We started up again at 8:30 the next morning and finally finished early in the afternoon. I would have been all for calling it quits much sooner, but the kids were like, still really excited.
When it was all over one of them said, “It was so cool actually finishing a game. I can’t believe that you didn’t quit when it was obvious you were going to lose.” That’s just how I roll.
Your movie makes that game look like a lot of exercise. I wouldn’t have guessed that about Axis and Allies. 🙂
Lloyd, you are the gamiest person I know, and I’m not talking about scent. That is dedication, man.
“It was so cool actually finishing a game. I can’t believe that you didn’t quit when it was obvious you were going to lose.” Haha! I laughed out loud.
And I can’t imagine playing a game that long. You are a super nice, cool teacher Lloyd.
I wonder if older army guys would enjoy that game? My son has a birthday coming up.
That IS dedication… to games and to kids!
Cool video. I agree. Could never play that long.