It’s the end of the year, and the children are BONKERS. We’ll be ok, but oh. my. lands.
The weather has been oddly warm and foggy. Weird.
Lloyd and I are headed to Colorado, so he has been doing the lion’s share of getting the house ready for Brad while we’re gone. Thank you, Lloyd. There are various odd jobs that are either getting done in a frantic way or I’m just saying, “That wasn’t vital to this operation.” I’m sure it will be fine.
Brad, when you’re here, crank the heat as high as you like. The Nest thermostat is going to think you’re gone during the work week and go to 53, so you’ll have to keep reminding it that the house is occupied. The water in the pipes sometimes comes out yellow from our bad water heater – just let it run to clear the pipes. The cats barf sometimes, usually right where you’re going to step. Um. I think that’s it.
Wish me luck on the last day with the bonkers children. 😀
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