(Anyone remember Veggie Tales? Anyone? Anyone?)
When we were in Colorado, there was a lovely little snow. We opened the window shades and enjoyed the view…… and then I saw a rabbit. A black rabbit. Now, I don’t know much about wild animals, but I am going to guess that a black rabbit against white snow is awfully easy for a hawk to find, so this had to be a pet. A lost pet.
I made Lloyd look at it (he was thrilled), then briefly considered going out to try and catch it. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!! Not going to to happen. I figured if it was loose, this was just meant to be.
A couple of nights later, I was turning off the lights before bed and saw…… the rabbit again! It was in the front yard, nibbling at the grass. I watched it for a while before I remembered that Mark put a camera out front. I went up to my cozy bed and watched from there.
That bunny on the lam? Turns out he has a friend. A bunny buddy.
Hmmmmmmm ….. they’re not lost, they’re just messing around.
Deborah says
I’m singing Da Bunny right now.