You already know that I like to buy the cheap powdered detergent, right? And I believe we’ve also had the conversation that you don’t need to use as much detergent as you think you do, right ? Well, this post is not about that. It’s about the scoop.
Somehow, we lost the little scoop that has lived in our laundry detergent container for years. I replaced it with a measuring spoon that was working out just fine, but for some reason, Lloyd bent it. I don’t know why. (He probably has rage issues.)
I was happy to have a quest! I wanted to find something little and cute and unique. In my mind, it was going to be a little carved wooden spoon, but TJ Maxx had other plans. I found a set of measuring spoons in their clearance section. Actually, I found lots and lots of these sets. They’re all on clearance because the little metal collars on the wooden handles are all loose – on ALL the many sets they had.

Well, that’s not a problem if you know how to Lauren things. I used a pliers to squeeze the collar back on, then sawed off some of the handle.

There – perfect!

Don’t bend it, Lloyd.
Very nice! I also use a measuring spoon. It’s a metal one that’s supposed to be used for coffee. I think it holds 2 tablespoons.
I just own it, and use too much detergent.
Yes, the spoon was bent in a fit of rage. but the rage was perfectly justifiable. The length of the spoon was greater than the diameter of the container. This works fine until the amount of detergent in the container is less than half the height of the container. At that point, you can not use the spoon to scoop. Spoons have one job here. No one needs to stir their detergent. If you can’t scoop, you should just get bent.
I think I just found my next tattoo – “If you can’t scoop, you should just get bent.”
I saw the title of this and immediately the tune to “Little Deuce Coupe” by the Beach Boys popped into my head.
Yay!!! I was hoping someone would see it! 😀