So many things went sideways on Sunday before 10:00, it was pretty funny.
It started at 4:30 a.m. I woke with a start – fairly sure that I had perhaps left the dishwasher on at school. (I don’t do the dishes often anymore, so I am out of that routine.) Rather than lay in bed and wonder about it for the next couple of hours, I just drove over there and checked. Good news! It was off. Bonus: I had a very early Council Fire that was done by 5:30.
With all this extra time, I started on our next Project: rearranging the stuff in our bathroom so that the medicine isn’t in a drawer right by the floor. (There’s a whole other story about this in another post.) I got a good start, then Lloyd got up, showered and dressed, and helped me. We worked like what seemed was forever, but at 7:45, I looked at the clock. A while later, I looked at the clock: 7:45. “It seems like it’s been this time forever. What’s the real time?” Lloyd checked his phone. “It’s 8:26. Church starts in four minutes.”
Stupid stopped clock! I jumped out of my pajamas and into church clothes and we tore out of the house.
So, we were late to church, but it’s all fine. We sang hymns, heard the sermon (long), then Concordia’s women’s’ chorus sang for the offertory. Somewhere around me, I heard a faint crackling and a faint voice, but I figured someone behind me was messing with their phone.
Nope…… it was me. I accidentally called my Dad on my watch. Oy. Sorry, everyone…..
So, home to eat, nap, have a family Zoom, then finish The Project. (That’s for tomorrow.)
Heh. That time thing happens to me all the time at school, but not because the clock is stopped.
Look at the clock… it’s 7:30
Look at the clock… it’s 7:32
Look at the clock… it’s 7:35
Look at the clock… it’s 8:03! Oh no! I’m late for devotions!