Hi! Remember me? I have some stories to tell you over the next couple of days, and I’m going to sit down and write them all. (It’s Sunday morning. Lloyd has been fighting a cold for several days and is staying in bed. I went to a wonderful funeral yesterday and that’s my church attendance for the weekend, so I’m not a total slacker.)
Let’s see, I’m going to tell you about:
- Vitamins and fire
- The new fire thing
- Chicken Bake
- Raspberry rolls
- Lloyd’s photo
- The Coat Story
But first, let me ask you if you’ve seen my car key. It’s been missing for quite a while, but since I haven’t been driving anywhere in the car without Lloyd, or I’m driving the truck, it hasn’t been an issue. It was last definitely located the first weekend in February. Anyone? Anyone?
I’ll let you know how it turns out.
I have not seen your car keys. Sorry.
Also, I’m looking forward to all your stories 🙂