The coat story:resolved! ….er…twice.
Where were we? Let’s just sum up:
Lloyd has owned the same leather coat for 30 years and it is in pretty bad shape. A while ago we went to Overland Sheepskin Omaha where he found a very nice leather coat. It was pricey -$400 – so we decided to wait.
In February, he searched online and found THE EXACT SAME COAT for $239. How do we know it was exact? Well, look at these photos! Here is a screenshot from Overland.

Here is the screenshot from (Same model, same coat! If you look closely, though, there is one different guy.)

He ordered it, and here’s where the first red flag should have been noticed. didn’t send a confirmation number.
Time went by and a small package arrived ….. from Pakistan. I asked what it was. “I’m afraid it’s my jacket.” Yep. It was a knockoff, and it was too small. The jacket wasn’t terrible, but it wasn’t the quality of the jacket he had tried on in Omaha, it wasn’t the brand he ordered, and again, it didn’t fit.

We decided to return it and search elsewhere.
Well…. That’s when we discovered that there wasn’t an actual return address on the website, and that Lloyd never got a confirmation number. I sent multiple emails asking for addresses and information. I was first ignored and then given addresses that didn’t make sense. To ship this coat back to the UK or Pakistan would have cost $300. Yikes!
I opened a dispute with Citibank and they said to gather documentation, which I am great at, thank you John Harlan.
(I just want to say at this point that Lloyd was useless. He wanted to just eat the cost and learn the lesson. I wanted to throttle him.)
I put together a big ol’ Google doc with dates, emails, screenshots and the kitchens sink and sent it to Citibank. They contacted the seller and then we waited for them to get back to Citibank. We waited a good loooooong time – nearly a month?
Finally, the seller contacted Citibank! Hooray!
24 hours later, Citibank made their verdict and said I was responsible for the charge.
What the What?
I was livid. Tune in next time to hear the rest of the story….
No Way!!!! I’m getting worked up just thinking about it. Go get ’em, Lauren!
I love and despise you for this ‘To Be Continued’