How long has it been since I’ve done a kitten update? Ever? I have no memory. Ok, July 8th.
Since that time, they were moved into the downstairs guest room where we put a board across the bookcases and let them roam free.
That was working out alright, except Lloyd’s parents were coming for a visit and we needed to move the kittens out. (Plus, the use of a black light revealed that there had been some pee accidents on that rug. It was washed and then dried in the sanitizingly-hot sunshine. Bleh.)
They are in the basement again. I used some of the giant pieces of normally-useless-but-right-handy-in-this-situation lumber to cobble together a pen. They are beginning to be weaned (furture long, boring post), and there is a litter box in there for potty training. They’re using it, but – like their mom – need help covering their business. Today someone made their first tiny poop!
Let’s meet the kiddos.
Here is Christopher Robin. (Note, Lloyd named her – temporarily, of course – and has no regard for gender correctness. She is a girl.) She was the first to go exploring and the first to figure out running. She is adorable, even in bad lighting.
Next up are Sarge and Mika. Sarge is one of the orange tabbies and he has some grey stripes on his left front paw, hence the name. He eats the most and is the most mellow of the boys. He also cries like a big baby. Mika – name picked by Lloyd – is the other girl and is kind of personality-less, except for her adorable big eyes.
This is Fivel. He went the longest without a name. The boys were going to name him while I was in Colorado,and when I came back they had it narrowed down to either Five of Five or The Fifth Element. I named him Fivel.
And then, my least favorite one: Fat Charlie. (From Paul Simon’s song, Crazy Love.) He is ‘a rascal’, as Tim put it. He likes to wrestle and bite, and – of course – loves me. The minute he sees me he starts yelling and climbing and attacking. I don’t know what to do. I’ve tried the Mama Cat thing of cuffing him and holding him down for a bit, but to no avail. He wants to eat me so I can be a part of him forever. Great.
Lastly, the mama. I would say that motherhood has mellowed her, but I feel sorry for how distressed she gets around them. She’ll watch them cavort and make these mournful sounds in her throat, then some almost-going-to-enter-into-play movements, but then she just sits. I think she was just a kitten herself, and doesn’t want to be the mom – she wants to be one of them.
Also, she stinks. To high heaven. Like a dog.