We had a very nice visit with Lloyd’s folks this weekend. I always freak about about what to cook for people, but we were only home for breakfasts, and that’s a meal I can safely make. We had bacon and eggs yesterday, and an experiment today!
I can’t take credit for this, since I saw it on Slashfood a while ago, but we had french toast made in a waffle iron. The Texax toast pieces fit in my cheap-o Belgian waffle maker perfectly!
I liked them a lot. I was so pleased with the result, we made garlic toast for dinner the same way! Slap some butter on both sides of bread, sprinkle on a little garlic salt, then leave them in there a couple of minutes to get really crispy. The best part is how they break off into little strips, then squares, perfect for filling with sauce. I shouldn’t have even made noodles.