This is the view from our back door at 6:45 a.m. When it’s hazy like this, that is only bad news. It was like this on Monday, and that means a hot, sticky, miserable day. Good thing that this is the first full day of the county fair! (We hardly ever get to that, though – too much going on a this time of year.)
Keep cool, everybody.
I used to hate ‘hot’ too, UNTIL… I baked cookies in my car while I was at work! Today (friday the 10th) we experimented. Monday we will perfect and take pictures!
(I am sorry Sam, I just took $.50 from your Uke fund.)
You are KIDDING me!!!!!! What kind of cookies? I’m in total suspense. (fifty cents out)
First – since there are so many Rachel’s in your life, I’ll shorten mine and use Sam’s nickname for me. On Friday we made chocolate chip walnut cookies and they were wonderful. I had stated that we were going to bake again today (Monday) however, the Hyundai Sonata Slow Cooking Oven likes higher temps, so since today will only be 98, we are waiting for tomorrow and the predicted 104! Bring on the heat!
Bring on the heat???? Are you crazy woman? You’re willing to suffer +100 degree heat for the sake of cookies? You are one dedicated lady.
(Tell Sam when he comments again he’ll be off Sworn Enemy duty.)
It’s hot here too, and we have the fair right down the street. The other morning when I got up at 6 it was 74* and 90% humidity. Yuck.
Hot in the morning is a really interesting kind of hot. It almost feels like evening because it’s warm when the light is dim, but the sun is in the wrong place. Intriguing.
You should write poetry!??