Dang my poor picture-taking skills. Really, dang it. Lloyd mentioned that we visited the seminary, where my brother is the director of development and my father went to school. It’s truly beautiful, and thanks to the generous donations of good people like yourselves (you’re welcome for the plug, Mark), they have made some awesome improvements. The one that made my heart go pitter-pat was the dining hall. No joke – it looked like Hogwarts. It used to have a dropped ceiling but they got rid of that and exposed the vaulted ceiling with the big iron chandeliers and have all kinds of cool seating – big tables, little tables, comfy chairs, a lounge, an internet cafe’ kind of thing – and it looks so dang cool! The joke I used way too much was, “Wanna watch me get punched? (in a louder voice) Boy! This makes me want to be a pastor!” Not funny to anyone else, as are most of my jokes.
Here are my fuzzy pictures that do it no justice.
Do they have any house elves to set the tables?
What? I thought your pictures were fuzzy on purpose so you didn’t have to get permission from those guys to put their faces online…
Aha! I always suspected there were mud-bloods amongst us Lutherans … this seals my suspicions.
Thanks, Lauren!
Y’all are welcome to come visit and see YOUR seminary (as a member of the LCMS, you own and operate this place) in person. I’ll give you a personal tour and even buy lunch in the “Commons”
You’re most welcome – it was truly fun! I wish I had taken decent pictures of the rest of the place. Hmmm…. maybe someone should mail me his awesome camera…..
Lauren, I *can* see the computers in the back. And you’re a better woman than I am. Or than Leo is. I would not have had your restraint and would have run over there to see what funny thing you guys were talking about.
Leo, now that’s another story. He would have run over, installed a client to do his server-to-server thing, checked his e-mail on Pine (dya know what that is?? it’s like the first version of e-mail ever created. He loves it.) All of that would have taken about 1 1/2 hours, during which time the kids & I would have taken a full tour of the campus.