Lloyd had his concert tonight, and I must say – it went beautifully. They sang in a new place, Southwood Lutheran, and it was gorgeous. Brad and Beth’s mom is in it, and the women sang beautifully!  I actually got misty-eyed a couple of times. It was a full crowd, too!  They practiced for weeks and weeks, and Lloyd missed dress rehearsal because of Fun Night. (They brought in couple of ringers for some of the solos – UNL students who are friends of the director.) All in all, it was a wonderful evening!
The blurry guy is Matt – Steph’s brother and one of the Bad Movie Night Boys.
Too bad you’re not supposed to make recordings without permission. (Note to self, remember to put secret ou-Yay ube-Tay link up tomorrow morning.)
Karla says
Did they sing any Simon and Garfunkel in honor of the ice storm? You know, a little “Slip Slidin’ Away”?
Brad says
“Ah, Meh-hee-co!”
It’s one of my favorites. Were the songs of the concert all about Mexico, or was it kind of an international thing?
Lloyd says
We could never pronounce anything right, so we started singing in our own language. That way everything was, be definition, pronounced correctly.
Lauren says
Brad & Beth, your mom is just to the right of the director in the front. Lloyd is smack dab behind the lady with the white hair.
Kristi says
I hear they need a replacement for Pavarati. I nominate Lloyd.
Peggy says
That is so excellent! Pictures & music!
*sigh* Why did I get such a crappy voice? Actually, in the shower & car I think it sounds darn good … but apparently the rest of the population begs to differ.