Here’s the latest on the super-slow house project. I manage to rip off about two square feet of wall paper a week. What was I thinking? Lloyd asked, “So what’s your plan?” Plan? I have no plan. I’m ripping wallpaper and a plan will come in June, when I’m done.
I’m not ripping paper tonight, though. I’ve been in my jammies since 6:30 and had plans to go to bed right after American Idol. Then stupid House had to be a stupid new episode. Now I’ll be up all night!
Yay for super-slow projects! My bathroom floor is still unfinished. Since October. Wanna have a contest?
Yay for bad judgment watching fun TV shows! We’re adults now; we can have bad judgment and the only price we pay is being a little sleepy the next day. FREEDOM!
Yay for another new House this Sunday! I need a before picture of this wall. And I say you’re doing a great job. That is real progress. I’m still in the “I should write down what projects need to be done” stage.
I apparenty have not been to your house in quite a while…that is considerable progress since my last check in…oh wait, that was probably before Christmas, huh? Well…
YAY for peeling fruit!!
Are you still looking for sayings? I found one, if you’re interested.
Lay it on me! I’m always in the mood for a good saying!
I’ll have to get it to you later. We’re at their house again on the 9th.
That sounds mysterious….
Oh, it is . . . it is indeed.