(Ha!..I was thinking something along the same line, except I was using the word dead. Us commenters seem to be thinking the same thoughts pretty regularly now. Is this a good thing or is Senator Lloyd using these sites for some sort of brain washing experiment???)
The grass is dormant because it’s winter?
(Ha!..I was thinking something along the same line, except I was using the word dead. Us commenters seem to be thinking the same thoughts pretty regularly now. Is this a good thing or is Senator Lloyd using these sites for some sort of brain washing experiment???)
These are not the droids you’re looking for.
I get it, but it mostly escapes me on a personal level. Maybe with more concentration. . .
…like one of those pictures that’s all blurry but when you cross your eyes you see something in 3-D.
Oh… I get it… Except that I don’t see the other end.
It’s a mobius extension cord.
Aaaaah… I get it… Just look at it a little sideways… and squeeze your eyes halfway shut.
I get it … (did Lauren’s meds run out?)
I think I really do get it…but I’m going to need an extension on giving my guess.
I recognized that thing. Dad has several in the garage. What’s a mobius?
I get it. Looks weird to me. Can I hang a swing on it??
It looks very familiar! It’s what is left of my brain after working on second semester schedules for the middle school!
I don’t get it at all….please explain.
I am surprised that no one mentioned that it looks like daffy duck. The original one not the new one.