Glad I could help, Peggy. 😀 Just know that they do reserve the right to approve any image you want to put on a stamp, so something, say like this, won’t fly. Don’t worry – it’s a safe image.
Those are so cool. Can you order them again? Could I order some? What website did you go to? My family would be so confused to get Lloyd stamps on all their stuff. Ha ha has a photo stamps option at the bottom of the page. We just saved the image from the original posting and uploaded it when we placed the order. It takes about a week to get the finished product, so make sure you give yourself enough time. It’s really easy and pretty cool.
I got some of these for Christmas a couple years ago. A friend Loaded a picture of Tara onto them. They made AWESOME stamps on the two-year pictures I sent out of her.
They really are an excellent gift. I highly recommend them! 😀
Ha! Awesome!
Well, I know how you should use at least one of them: on your tax forms. hehe
Heh. Excellent.
(I almost typed awesome…then I looked at what Brad wrote and thought everyone would think I was a copycat…so I went with excellent.)
I said, “AWESOME!” and then decided not to write it… hey, wait..!
Agreed! That is first class Karla! (get it)
And I never knew you could get stamps made…thanks for the gift idea Karla!
Gee, I wonder what other “things” we could put the Lloyd chart on??? A flag? A mailbox cover? The White House lawn?
I’m so glad you like them! 🙂 It was so much fun.
I really wanted to do one Lloyd per stamp, but they only allow one image per sheet. Bummer.
Glad I could help, Peggy. 😀 Just know that they do reserve the right to approve any image you want to put on a stamp, so something, say like this, won’t fly. Don’t worry – it’s a safe image.
Those are so cool. Can you order them again? Could I order some? What website did you go to? My family would be so confused to get Lloyd stamps on all their stuff. Ha ha
Then again, maybe that would be a little too strange. has a photo stamps option at the bottom of the page. We just saved the image from the original posting and uploaded it when we placed the order. It takes about a week to get the finished product, so make sure you give yourself enough time. It’s really easy and pretty cool.
They made me wish I was a letter again.
And which letter did you used to be?
I always wanted to be something thin like “L”
I was usually special delivery.
I got some of these for Christmas a couple years ago. A friend Loaded a picture of Tara onto them. They made AWESOME stamps on the two-year pictures I sent out of her.
They really are an excellent gift. I highly recommend them! 😀
Did you happen to get the package I shipped to you?
Shhhh. We did, but we can’t talk about it until Lauren’s ready to post about it. But you’ll never guess where she put The Quote.
sorry, the post just reminded me, and I wanted to make sure it got there. (you know I mailed it before Christmas….ha,ha,ha)