Yeah, yeah, yeah – the website looks different. Lloyd’s a genius, blah blah blah. Well, he couldn’t do all his brain work if he wasn’t warm, right? That’s where I step in.
Let me tell you a sad little story. When we went to visit his family in February we went out to eat at Pizza Hut. We sat at a table in the corner that was right by a window and was cold as ice. (…willing to sacrifice our love….) I was so. cold. and tried to be all suave about it since everyone else seemed warm enough. I put on my sweater so I wouldn’t look like a wimp eating in my coat. That worked for about five minutes and then I became Super-Wimp and had on my sweater and my coat and was still shivering. When we got back in the car after dinner I said to Lloyd (who only wore his shirt), “It was freezing in there! How did you stand it?” He replied, while smoothly slipping a knife in my heart, “It wasn’t so bad – it’s about what it’s like sitting at my computer.”
*Gulp* Well, that needed to change. No staple-gunned towels or comforters for my guy, no sir. I went out and bought real thermal curtains and a curtain rod…… without measuring.
The curtain rod was too short, so I couldn’t use it. The curtains were also ridiculously short. I measured the windows, took it all back, and bought new stuff. Then I felt silly because it was 68 degrees outside the day I hung them. It’s been incredibly cold the past few days, though, and Lloyd says they make a difference. (Of course he does – he’s afraid of what I might replace them with.)
Blenders are awesome!
That was pretty funny, Curt. Love your photo, too!
Huh? I thought I commented already. Maybe I dreamed it. I wrote:
Maybe you should just cover the windows with cement blocks, insulation, and drywall. I hear they keep the cold out pretty well.
Thanks Brad, thanks a lot.
But even with the curtains, Lloyd’s still wearing his coat. What temperature is your house?
He’s faking it. It’s at least 60-something there. If we lived in Alaska that would be considered balmy.
Love the title. It makes me want to sing with Christopher Plummer.
Huh?? Where did that icon come from?
If you don’t create a “Gravatar“, it assigns one for you. Personally, I think you have the best one, so I wouldn’t bother making one yourself.
Thanks alot. I’ll be the lady with a bag over her head in church on Sunday
Well, look at that Hour Glass figure, and those legs are to die for.
Sound of music…
It was the right thing to do. Gotta keep those hubbies comfy.
I’m a little nervous about what my symbol willbe…
That’s about right. Much of the time.
I loaded up a gravatar. But I think I need a picture where my glasses aren’t outside.
I always wondered what you looked like in person. Wait, that doesn’t sound right.