Yeah, yeah, yeah – the website looks different. Lloyd’s a genius, blah blah blah. Well, he couldn’t do all his brain work if he wasn’t warm, right? That’s where I step in.
Let me tell you a sad little story. When we went to visit his family in February we went out to eat at Pizza Hut. We sat at a table in the corner that was right by a window and was cold as ice. (…willing to sacrifice our love….) I was so. cold. and tried to be all suave about it since everyone else seemed warm enough. I put on my sweater so I wouldn’t look like a wimp eating in my coat. That worked for about five minutes and then I became Super-Wimp and had on my sweater and my coat and was still shivering. When we got back in the car after dinner I said to Lloyd (who only wore his shirt), “It was freezing in there! How did you stand it?” He replied, while smoothly slipping a knife in my heart, “It wasn’t so bad – it’s about what it’s like sitting at my computer.”
*Gulp* Well, that needed to change. No staple-gunned towels or comforters for my guy, no sir. I went out and bought real thermal curtains and a curtain rod…… without measuring.
The curtain rod was too short, so I couldn’t use it. The curtains were also ridiculously short. I measured the windows, took it all back, and bought new stuff. Then I felt silly because it was 68 degrees outside the day I hung them. It’s been incredibly cold the past few days, though, and Lloyd says they make a difference. (Of course he does – he’s afraid of what I might replace them with.)