The people at Laundry Tree gave me a $2.00 off coupon with my soap nut prize, and since they have really nice packaging (for which I am a sucker), I purchased some more soap nuts. I bought a medium sized bag and a little sample bag. Since I’d like to share the bubbly joy, I’ll send the sample to you. Maybe. The baggie has about 8 inside. No, wait. Exactly 8, if my tired eyes don’t deceive me. Math is hard. Here’s the deal: Tell me the vastness of your need to try out these sud-nuggets, and the third-best answer wins. If you don’t want them, tell me who I should send them to, and why. (Gee, you must really hate that person, huh?)
Brad says
You should not send them to me. They look dead. Send me only living seeds.
Though they would be fun to put into a can of mixed nuts…
Lloyd says
You should send them to my little brother Aaron. I believe he will eat them, and it will be funny to watch. If they are poisonous, you should also send the antidote and a little note that says to eat the nuts first.
Beth says
You should send them to me. Because I will NOT require any packaging or a trip to the post office.
(Which, unfortunately will mean I am the BEST reason…and since you’re selecting the third best, I’m hosed.)
(Or you could just give me one to try. Or however many I would need for a load of laundry.)
Deanne says
You should not send them to me. I have too much stuff in my house already, and I would either use them too quickly and not focus properly on their wonderfulness, throw them away because I couldn’t find a place for them, or put them on a garage sale. You should give them to Beth.
Karla says
I agree – give them to Beth. Don’t send them to me, because they require some work, and I have enough to do around here… Seriously, I don’t want them.
Peggy says
I vote for Beth too…she will take her experiment with these nuts seriously, what with being a science teacher and all.
(but you can send them to me if you plan to dip them in chocolate 1st)
Brady G. says
Look, I have a wife who doesn’t get out of the house much, two kids (age 4 and 2 months). How cool would it be “I” brought home a present for her and planned to watch the kids (read watch TV with them) while she boiled soap nuts. Seriously this is the third best answer. Did I mention my wife doesn’t get out much?
Deanne says
Either that, or it would be like when you bring home your wife a mixer. Or a toaster oven. Or a spatula. I, for one, would love a new, even larger kitchen aid mixer, but some women would see that as a demand that they go to the kitchen. And Lauren would love a new spatula – especially an eco-friendly one that fits perfectly in her super-brownie-pan. This is your opportunity to think it over one more time to be sure that bringing her soap means bringing her a break.
And if it does, I’m sorry Beth, but I might have to change my answer to give it to Brady (‘s wife).
Lloyd says
What about my brother?
Deanne says
The poisoning thing gave me the heebie jeebies…
Deanne says
but I can be bought
Lloyd says
As much as it pains me to say it, I’m going to have to agree with Deanne on this. The only time I can recall seeing my mom cry is when Tina and I gave her a new mop for her birthday.
Beth says
Send them to Lloyd’s Mom. 😀
Lauren says
Hmmm, maybe I should send them to the person who most vehemently protests. I’m looking at you, Karla.
Karla says
Fine, send them to me if you must. But I have to tell you I’m living with Brady and his wife now.
Lauren says