Beth came over tonight to feed me. Remember her oven died on Sunday? Well, she set out some chicken to thaw and forgot she couldn’t cook it. That might just be the story she told me because she pities me, but I’ll take it. It was delicious. I did wonder about the jeans she served, though……
Just kidding. She said we needed to Google ‘jeans into garden apron’ and no joke – it is a thing of brilliance.
She got right to work:
snip snip snip
Boom. Done.
Isn’t that clever? They fit perfectly because they’re your pants! There are two pockets for whatever garden stuff you need to have handy, and if you put a carabiner on one of the surviving belt loops, you could carry something that way, too.
After she left, I used the leftover denimn to make a rice warmer (the heat isn’t on here yet) and a fake Tom Bihn travel tray. (It was a suggested link after the apron video. I just added a shoelace drawstring.)
Earth, consider yourself….. saved.