After we went to see Jeff Dunham at the Qwest Center in Omaha last Sunday, we were leaving with a big mob of people. The Qwest Center is quite lovely, despite its foolish, cutesy spelling*, and they had some huge mirrored globes out front. I dragged Lloyd over to one and snapped a few photos. The lady behind us (in the white shirt, pointing) said, “That’s such a good idea!”
Yeah, lady. Turns out that it’s a good idea if you’ve always dreamed of being a Klingon.
*That’s a joke. Lloyd thought I was an idiot.
Speaking of Star Trek, have you seen this review?
I don’t know if I’ll even go see it now.
Oh, the horror! The HORROR!
That reminds me of this scuplture in Chicago.
HAHAHA!! That is hilarious! But you make a mighty fine Klingon!
Cool sculpture Karla!
I never read reviews before I see a movie…in fact I prefer not to here anything about a movie beforehand…well, Brad sent me that link at school & I didn’t even look at it. He mentioned it got bad reviews & I was like “Nooo….why are you telling me this…don’t send me a review, much less a bad one.” But by the end of the day I figured I’d might as well read the review. I LAUGHED HYSTERICALLY!!!!! Love the Wm. Shatner & new kid comparisons!!! Very funny!
Morale of the story: None.
What the women behind us actually said was:
“That is such a great idea. I wonder if they thought about that when they put it there. I can’t believe more people aren’t doing that. We should do that. That is such a really great idea. Maybe they want someone to take their picture? Do you want us to take your picture? That is a really cool idea. Lets do that too.”
It makes me wonder about the people that she hangs out with, because, frankly, I think this is only one of Lauren’s Middlin’ ideas.
I think she might have been a little tipsy.
I think Lloyd (from the shoulders up) looks like Prince in his “Purple Rain” video.