Note: This is a back-up post, to be used when we are too lazy to write one. Hence, the ‘yesterday’ Lloyd speaks of is many days ago. Announcement over. Enjoy your read.
Yesterday was a Six Continent Day. The map toward the bottom of the sidebar shows (based on their IP address) where people who come to LloydandLauren live. Once in a while we have a visitor from every continent (except Antarctica, where they hate us), and we go, “Yay.”
If you click on the map, you can actually see what pages the person/people from that location were looking at. Some of it’s pretty predictable. Southeast Asia is usually interested in getting a stuck memory card out of their laptop or in a myminicity plugin. In England they like the idea of cooking things in jars.
It feels sort of voyeuristic.
Maybe it would help to mention countries from each continent every once in a while. The references might come up in search engines.
No, Uruguay!
I have to say that’s really very cool.
Amazing! Lloyd you’re really a secret agent for the government aren’t you…aren’t you?
I’m closing all my blinds!