This past Thursday we put together 25 computers for one of Lincoln Lutheran’s computer labs. The week before I sent out an email to Lincoln Lutheran families asking if anyone wanted to help put some computers together. I had about 12 students, 3 alumni and 1 teacher join in the fun.
We spent a little while in the morning talking about how to pick parts for a computer and where to buy them. Then we looked at a couple of computers that some of us had recently put together. Then we had pizza. I view the pizza as the most vital part of any successful geekfest.
After Pizza was accomplished we broke into teams of two and I walked them through how to put all of the pieces together. Once we had build one in a step-by-step fashion they went to town on the others. Our very talented alumni put the assembled computers through their paces and set some settings in the BIOS.
I think I have been away from our students for too long. I couldn’t believe how helpful and intelligent they were. When we were finished and were just cleaning up several of them came up to me and said, “What else can I do to help?” And after one of the students asked me what to do with the completed computers and I said, “I guess take them back to the Mac lab.”, he replied, “Why don’t I take them to the PC lab. That way you don’t have to move them later?” The PC lab was about 3 times further away.
Aren’t there supposed to be some twenty-sided dice involved whenever there’s a geekfest?
I was most proud of how they recycled almost all the packaging. Lloyd said for twenty computers and all the junk (bags, boxes, styrofoam) that comes with the parts, they only had a bag and a half of ‘trash’ for the dumpster.
He really does love you.
Awww. 😀
Oooo that sounds like an awesome time… I want to go to the next one!
As a “retired” engineer and current educator I bow to you – I am in awe of the enthusiasm and geekness that you extract from your victims (oops, I mean voluteers!)
On a side note, the work “geek” reminds me of the word “gleek” – for those of you in touch with the upcoming fall shows … I am looking SO forward to the show “Glee” and no one in my family understands my excitement. I get goosebumps everytime I see a commercial for it! I almost tear up and they are only previews!
I LOVED Glee! Everyone should go to Fox.com and watch it – the last five minutes are the best!