Keeping with our -oh so recent- music theme, I went to Lincoln Lutheran’s Fall Sampler concert earlier this week. This is a fun concert to go to, because all of the bands and choirs just do a couple of numbers, so you hear everyone in about an hour. An hour is about my attention span these day.
Middle School choirs sounded good. This is a relief, because we have a new middle school choir director this year, and she is a Spanish teacher (I know, that’s what I thought too). But not to worry, she’s as good as a normal teacher when it comes to directing a middle school choir (recorded on my phone, so the quality isn’t very good):
Next up was the Middle School band. Mr. Wilhelm is the best middle school band director that I have ever heard. I base my opinion on the fact that I have never winced or cringed while his middle school bands were playing:
Okay, let me be completely honest. I’ve never winced or cringed until they played this:
But then I thought of this, and everything was okay again:
- More Cannon in D (I wrote this post just so I could link to this)
The high school choir sang a bit too:
Then the high school band played, but I don’t really appreciate high school band, so I mostly tuned them out. Sorry band. I just don’t get you.
I have to admit, I only listened to the first twenty seconds of the first sound file, then I went straight to the youtube clip because I knew exactly what that was going to be. Ha!
I didn’t listen to any of the clips, because, turns out I don’t like listening to any MS/HS bands or choirs…
But I did watch the youtube video. Because I’m and alto, and most alto parts are like playing the cello. HA!
I’m with Beth. Alto parts are BOOORing. But that clip was hilarious. Thanks!
We have two altos singing tenor this weekend for our concerts, and one of them said, I never knew the tenor line was so hard.
Lloyd…YOU CRACK ME UP!! I laughed thru it all!
… the reading of the post (singing some song-HA!); the actual band playing; your wincing; the clip!
Ah, middle school band. There’s nothing finer than reading notes written as large as a dime on the page. Or is that just beginning band? That started in fifth grade for us.