40 thanks, to be exact.
Peggy sent a hilarious present in the mail that she received at a white elephant exchange. I love it! It’s a ukulele box that will have a place of honor in our house. She filled it with 40 paper clips and 40 post-its.
There was also a bag of 40 suckers with a very appropriate phrase. (I don’t know, though – 39 was pretty rough. Is 40 going to be worse?)
Thank you, Peggy – you made our day(s)!
Beth says
Dear me. That’s awesome. You’re awesome Peggy!
Brad says
You had more than one day of birthday! Yay for stretching birthdays over several days! I do it every year. It’s awesome.
Peggy says
‘Tis the season to
regiftgive!I’m glad The Little Ukulele (sounds like a good book title) found a home where it’s wanted!
And really…what kind of storm did you get last night? Are you iced in?
Annette says
On the up side, in a few years you won’t remember how much 40 sucked….trust me!
Amy says