A couple of weekends ago Lloyd and I cooked some brats on the grill when it was so blasted hot and our air conditioner hadn’t been fixed yet.. (Y’know, ‘brat’ should really be spelled differently. The way it stands now I just see/imagine naughty children getting a good sear.) Anyway, I came up with a brilliant idea for those ancient chicken tenders cluttering up the freezer: cook them!
Yessir, I actually cooked them, and for the next couple of meals, half the work was already done. “What are we going to eat? Well, how about some vegetables and chicken that is ready, you crazy genius!” or “Just a delicious salad with pre-cooked chicken!” I felt so amazing!
While Lloyd’s been gone, I grilled another batch, minus the children sausages. It has been a life saver.
Hawaii Update
Curt’s first day on Maui started off, as every day in Maui should start off, with a sunrise walk on the beach. It was a lot of fun with Curt, because I have been having beautiful sunrise walks on the beach for almost a week and had forgotten a little bit howreally amazing they were.
I had decided yesterday that today would be my first sunrise swim on the beach and Curt was happy to jump right in with me. The air is just a little cool in the morning, but that just makes the ocean seem warmer and we stayed out for about 30 minutes. That brings total Sunrise Walk On The Beach time to just under 2 hours son were back just
before 7:00. We putzed around the house a little more than usual this morning before getting started. Brad, Curt and Samith all had work related things to do. I played mother hen and packed our bags for the day.
We went up to the big tourist town (I’m sure Brad will supply all of the actual names in his post) and there wassome souvenir shopping done. We also went into a couple of art galleries. I’m not sure how we ended up in them, but everyone seemed to enjoy a little time looking at art. It was strange.
Next came my reason for jumping in the car this morning. The largest Banyan tree in the United States. The main trunk is huge and there are about 20 other trunks (it’s that tree that sends down roots from the air and they form new trunks). It covers just under an acre of land. We got there about lunch time, but I wasn’t hungry, so while everyone else went to eat at Cheeseburger in Paradise I camped out under the tree and communed with nature.
After that got old I scoped out 7 shave ice places to decide which one would be Curt’s first shave ice. It is unfortunate that they had just eaten as we just got small ones. To really appreciate them you need more.
Next a quick trip up the beach to the Hyatt Sheraton because they have a really nice beach and there is, legally speaking, no such thing as a private beach in Hawaii. The beach was amazing and the waves were huge. This is evidently not normal, but the waves were ten feet high if they were an inch.
It was great fun to play in them, but I got rolled over the wrong way by a really big one and ended up hurting my neck. I’m currently taking Advil and Rum and am beginning to feel better. By tomorrow I hope to be able to turn my head for the helicopter ride.
We ate dinner at the wide spot on the side of the road that Brad found via Yelp months ago. It is. Little chicken stand. We each got a quarter bird with corn and rice.
Curt and I ended the day the way we stated it; at the beach. I have not gotten the prerequisite amount of reading at the beach in yet and since it didn’t hurt to read, and only hurt a little bit to walk, we want down to the beach and read and/or slept until sunset. There are more pictures on Flickr now, including ones from the Snorkeling Trip.
Lloyd, the snorkeling pictures are beautiful, but I have the same problem looking at them that I do looking over the edge of the Grand Canyon. Makes me dizzy!
Lauren, what are you cooking there, -spaghetti with chicken?
Yep. And canned tomatoes, basil, and Italian dressing. I could eat it for every meal.
A helicopter ride?!? Something else off the bucket list!
I hope you got some pictures of the big waves. And I applaud you all to be able to get knocked around & stay in. I LOVE waves….but once one takes me for a drag across the ocean floor….I’m done. Unlike when I was younger.
Have fun flying!
Mmm. I like things cooked on the grill, especially sausages. I don’t know about ancient chicken tenders though…
Grilled chicken…good. Me like.
I will need to fire up the grill when I get home.
Lloyd, maybe it was the hot blond that was luring us into that first art shop.
Sounds like the trip of a lifetime to me. Enjoy.
Anything made ahead is great on my book.
Sorry to hear about your neck, but you must know that there’s a tiny little part of me that feels validation when you encounter trouble with the ocean.
I also hope that you are swiggin’ that rum and yelling ‘Ahoy, matey’ because honestly – when would it ever be more appropriate?