My favorite feature of my new iPhone is the slow motion camera. But I’m not very good at using it. I try slow motioning things all the time, but they never turn out quite like what I expect. Until now.
Last week was Macy’s birthday, and I was ready. I was ready mostly because the week before, for Bethany’s birthday, I was not ready. So thanks Macy and Bethany for this footage.
Sorry about the sudden cut-off at the end. It turns out that iMovie on the iPhone is iSmall and iHard for my old iEyes to read. Also, I may not have had my iGlasses on.
That’s cool. I must have that feature on my phone too. I’ll have to check it out…
Love it! And love the last paragraph!
Last time I saw those iEyeglasses,(while not on your iNose) the iCats had chewed on them.
And she got all the candles out both times!