Something is wrong with my iPad. It’s not fatal, but it certainly is annoying. The magnetic case doesn’t put it to sleep anymore. I took it along when I went to Lincoln Sunday afternoon and by the time I got back it had used up all the battery and was HOT.
Lloyd brought home some old cases to see if that would solve the problem but it hasn’t. Booooo…. Time to start traveling with a charger.
In other news, I have a crazy cookie idea that is not turning out as planned. I made the dough and had hoped to bake the cookies and have something to show for my efforts, but the dough is chilling in the freezer and I’m going to bake them Wednesday night. (My kids are having a mini concert on Thursday.) What kind of crazy cookie do you think I’m making? (I really just want you to say something wonderfully original so I can make that cookie, stealing your idea and taking all the credit.)
I wasn’t coming up with anything, so I googled ‘crazy cookies’. This was my favorite result:
Ha! Those are hilarious!
Sad cookies.
LOVE these! Must make.
Chocolate chip cookies