A few days ago -or maybe last week, everything is running together- we went to a new supermarket in Lincoln. It was called Fresh Thyme, and I had heard that the produce was good and that the produce was cheap. Lauren was skeptical, but we went to check it out. The produce was as rumored. Nectarines, Peaches and plums for under $1.00 per pound.
Unfortunately, we ended up spending $41.37 because we were hungry and weak, and the only thing that was cheap was the produce.
Fortunately, they had some of the fancy cheeses that I had been sporadically looking for since Will and Grace’s wedding [warning: both of those links go to the same place, so don’t click on both of them].
I diligently cut them up into little pieces and placed them on a plate. Lauren was having none of the cheese, but Brad made little noises that seemed to indicate that he liked them.
Did you rate the cheese? Which ones did you try?
I sampled the cheeses and can safely say that orange = good; both kinds of white = stinky, but good.
I like the Fresh Thyme market – it is on my way home from work.
Mmm… I love aged Gouda!